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LineLink S Registers
This is an extract from the Hayes Technical Reference Manual
(TRM20.ZIP) and the Supra FaxModem Bible (FMB11.LHA) Some of these may be
incorrect for the LineLink.
S Registers appearing in LineLink Profile:
S00 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10
S11 S12 S14 S16 S18
S21 S22 S23 S25 S26 S27
S36 S37 S38
S46 S48 S49
Hayes/Supra S-Register Descriptions
S0 Ring to Answer After
S0 sets the ring number on which the modem automatically answers a call
when auto-answer mode is selected. S0=0, the factory setting, disables
S1 Ring Count
When the modem is in the command state and set for auto-answer (S0>0),
the modem automatically tracks the number of times the phone rings,
incrementing and writing the value in S1. The value reverts to 0 if no
ring occurs for 8 seconds. Once a connection is made, the modem resets
the value of S1 to 0. Note that two short ring bursts within a ring
cycle are counted as two rings.
S2 Ecape Sequence Character
S2 holds the ASCII value of the escape sequence character. The factory-
set value is ASCII 43, the plus sign (+). The value for this register
can be set to any ASCII value between 0 and 127. Setting S2 to a value
greater than 127 disables the escape sequence, preventing the modem from
returning to the command state and disabling command recognition.
S3 Carriage Return Character
S3 holds the ASCII value of the line terminating character. The factory-
set value is ASCII 13 - carriage return (<CR>) - the range for the
register is 0-127. This character is used both as the command line
terminator and the result code terminator.
S4 Line Feed Character
S4 holds the ASCII value of the line feed character. The factory setting
is 10; the range is 0-127.
S5 Backspace Character
S5 holds the ASCII value of the backspace character. The factory-set
value is ASCII 08; the range for the register is 0-32, 127. This
character moves the cursor left, removing the previous character. As
this value actually represents the combined operation of three
characters (a backspace, a space, and another backspace), the time
allotted to process the backspace character must not be any less than
the time required by the modem to transmit three characters. For this
reason, a repeat-key function may not operate properly on backspaces.
S6 Wait Before Blind Dialing
S6 determines how long the modem waits after going off-hook before it
dials. This delay allows time for the central telephone office to detect
the off-hook condition of the line and apply dial tone. This wait time
only applies to the first dial tone. S6 is used only if X0, X1, or X3 is
selected. Selecting X2 or X4 enables dial tone (call progress) detection
and disables blind dialing, thus making the setting of S6 irrelevant.
The value of this register can be set for any number from 4 through 7
seconds. This feature allows you to increase the time delay if you have
difficulty obtaining dial tone within 4 seconds. Note: The Wait Before
Dialing call progress monitoring feature (W dial modifers) applies only
to detection of a second dial tone and is independent of any S-register
S7 Wait for Carrier after Dialing
S7 determines the modem's time delay between dialing and responding to
an incoming carrier signal after initial connection. If the modem does
not detect a carrier within this time, the modem hangs up and returns
the NO CARRIER result code. If the modem detects a carrier within the
specified time, it goes on line.
S8 Duration of Delay for Comma Dial Modifier
S8 determines the duration of the delay generated by the comma (,) dial
S9 Carrier Detect Response Time
S9 determines how many seconds a carrier signal must be present for the
modem to recognize it and issue a carrier detect. The value for the
register is measured in tenths of a second. The factory setting is 6
(0.6 second); the range is 1 (0.1 second) to 255 (25.5 seconds). Note:
The S9 value affects the time required to recognize the presence of
carrier only if X3 or X4 is selected. The modem also ignores the value
in register S9 when operating in half-duplex synchronous or asynchronous
S10 Delay Between Lost Carrier and Hang Up
S10 specifies the time between loss of remote carrier and local modem
disconnect. The delay permits the carrier to disappear momentarily
without causing the modem to hang up. The value for the register is
measured in tenths of a second. The range for most modems is 1 (0.1
second) to 255 (25.5 seconds).
The modem recognizes a carrier after the period of time specified in S9.
Therefore, if the value of S10 is less than that set for S9, even a
momentary loss of carrier will cause the modem to disconnect. Setting
the register to 255 causes the modem to ignore actual carrier status and
assume a carrier is always present. When operating in half-duplex
synchronous mode, S10 specifies the maximum time (in seconds) that a
carrier may be continuously present or absent before causing the modem
to disconnect.
S11 Multi-Frequency Tone Duration
S11 determines the duration and spacing of tones in multi-frequency tone
dialing. The value in this register has no effect on the speed of pulse
S12 Escape Sequence Guard Time
S12 holds the value of the delay required prior to and following the
escape sequence. The guard time also dictates how quickly the escape
sequence characters must be entered, since the interval between entry of
each of the three characters must be of shorter duration than that
specified for the guard time. If guard time is set to 0, timing is not a
S14 Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
0 (1) Reserved
1 (2) Command echo (En)
0 Disabled (E0)
1 Enabled (E1 default)
2 (4) Quiet Mode (Qn)
0 Send result codes (Q0 default)
1 No result codes (Q1)
3 (8) Result codes (Vn)
0 Numeric (V0)
1 Verbose (V1 default)
4 (16) Reserved
5 (32) Dial Mode
0 Tone (T default)
1 Pulse (P)
6 (64) Reserved
7 (128) Carrier Mode
0 Answer
1 Originate
S16 Diagnostic Test Mode setting -Bit Mapped (default 0)
0 &T1 0 Disable 1 Enable
1 Not Used
2 &T3 0 Disable 1 Enable
3 &T4/&T5 0 Off 1 In progress
4 &T6 0 Disable 1 Enable
5 &T7 0 Disable 1 Enable
6 &T8 0 Disable 1 Enable
7 Not Used
S18 Modem Test Timer
S18 establishes the duration of the modem's diagnostic tests. When a
test is active for a length of time equal to the value chosen for this
register, the modem automatically terminates the test. A setting of zero
(0) disables the test timer (factory setting). The range for this
register is 0-255 seconds.
S21 Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
0 (1) Set by &Jn command but ignored otherwise
0 &J0 (default)
1 &J1
1 (2) Reserved
2 (4) CTS Mode (&Rn)
0 CTS always on (&R0)
1 CTS follows RTS (&R1 default)
3 (8) & 4 (16) DTR behavior (&Dn)
0,0 &D0 (default)
1,0 &D1
0,1 &D2
1,1 &D3
5 (32) DCD (RLSD) behavior (&Cn)
0 &C0 (Default)
1 &C1
6 (64) DSR behavior (&Sn)
0 &S0 (Default)
1 &S1
7 (128) Long space diconnect (Yn)
0 Y0 (Default)
1 Y1
S22 Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
0 (1) & 1 (2) Speaker volume (Ln)
0,0 Low (L0)
1,0 Low (L1)
0,1 Medium (L2 default)
1,1 High (L3)
2 (4) & 3 (8) Speaker control (Mn)
0,0 Disabled (M0)
1,0 On until carrier (M1 default)
0,1 ON Always (M2)
1,1 On during handshake (M3)
4 (16), 5 (32), & 6 (64) Dialing Mode / Result Codes (Xn)
0,0,0 X0
1,0,0 Reserved
0,1,0 Reserved
1,1,0 Reserved
0,0,1 X1
1,0,1 X2
0,1,1 X3
1,1,1 X4 (Default)
7 (128) Reserved
S23 Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
0 (1) Grant RDL
0 RDL not allowed (&T5)
1 RDL allowed (&T4 default)
1 (2), 2 (4), & 3 (8) Assumed DTE Rate
0,0,0 0-300 bps
1,0,0 600 bps
0,1,0 1200 bps
1,1,0 2400 bps (Default)
0,0,1 4800 bps
1,0,1 9600 bps
0,1,1 19200 bps
1,1,1 Reserved
4 (16) & 5 (32) Assumed DTE parity
0,0 Even
1,0 Reserved
0,1 Odd
1,1 None (default)
6 (64) & 7 (128) Guard tone (&Gn)
0,0 None (&G0 Default)
1,0 550 Hz (&G1)
0,1 1800 Hz (&G2)
1,1 Reserved
S25 DTR Detection
S25 serves two purposes. When the modem is operating in synchronous mode
4, the value assigned to S25 specifies the length of time the modem
waits after a connection has been made, before examining the DTR
circuit. This allows the modem to ignore an on-to-off transition of DTR
and gives the user sufficient time to disconnect the modem from the
asynchronous terminal and attach it to a synchronous terminal, without
forcing the modem back to the asynchronous command state. During this
time, the value of S25 is read in full seconds (e.g., the factory-set
value of 5 equals 5 seconds, instead of 0.05 seconds).
In all other modes, and after call establishment in synchronous mode 4,
the value is read in 1/100 seconds. In any mode, a change in DTR (on or
off) that persists for a period shorter than the value held in S25 is
ignored by the modem while it is on-line. The range of values for S25 is
S26 RTS to CTS Interval
S26 is used to specify the interval to delay before turning on CTS after
an off-to-on transition of RTS. This value takes effect when the &R0
command option has been selected. This setting applies to synchronous
modes 1, 2, and 3 only. The factory-set value is 1 (.01 seconds) with a
range of 0-255.
S27 Bit Mapped Option Status 0100 1001
0 (1), 1 (2), 3 (8) Sync/Async Mode Selection (&Mn/&Qn)
0,0,0 &M0/&Q0
1,0,0 &M1/&Q1
0,1,0 &M2/&Q2
1,1,0 &M3/&Q3
0,0,1 &Q4
1,0,1 &Q5 (Default)
0,1,1 &Q6
2 (4) Leased line control (&Ln)
0 Dial-up line (&L0 default)
1 Leased line (&L1)
4 (16) & 5 (32) Internal Sync clock select (&Xn)
0,0 Internal (&X0 default)
1,0 External (&X1)
0,1 Slave (&X2)
6 (64) CCITT/Bell Mode (Bn)
0 CCITT (B0)
1 Bell (B1 US default)
7 (128) Reserved
S36 Negotiation Failure Treatment
When an attempt to make an error-control connection fails, the modem
reads this register to determine whether to terminate the connection,
make an asynchronous connection (otherwise selected with &Q0), or make
an asynchronous connection with ASB (otherwise selected with &Q6). This
register is referenced only when the error-control mode has been
selected with the &Q5 command (factory setting) and this communication
mode cannot be negotiated.
0 Hang up.
1 Attempt a standard asynchronous connection (&Q0).
3 Attempt an asynchronous connection using automatic speed buffering
4 Attempt a V.42 Alternative Protocol connection (MNP compatible);
if negotiation fails, hang up.
5 Attempt a V.42 Alternative Protocol connection (MNP compatible);
if negotiation fails, attempt a standard asynchronous connection.
6 Attempt a V.42 Alternative Protocol connection (MNP compatible);
if negotiation fails, hang up.
7 Attempt a V.42 Alternative Protocol connection (MNP compatible);
if negotiation fails, attempt an asynchronous connection using
automatic speed buffering (ASB).
In asynchronous mode, the CONNECT XXXX message will be returned with a
successful connection. This message indicates the speed of the
connection, which is also the speed of data transmitted from computer to
Note: The selected fallback option can be initiated immediately with
S48. For example, a connection attempt using the Alternative Protocol
can be forced by setting S48=128 and S36=5 or 7.
The following table shows the order in which the bits of S36 are
evaluated: (Remember, these steps only occur after the S46/S48
selections have failed to make a LAPBased error-controlled connection in
&Q5 mode.)
S36 Bit 7-3=0 reserved
First Bit 2 (4) If set, means try MNP protocol; reset means
don't use MNP.
Third Bit 1 (2) If set, means fall back to ASB; reset means
direct async.
Second Bit 0 (1) If set, means fall back based on Bit 1; reset
means hang up.
Also see Appendix D,"Establishing the Desired Connection and Fallback
S37 Desired DCE Line Speed
The modem attempts to connect with a remote modem at the highest
supported DCE speed that does not exceed the value specified by this
register. If S37 is set to a speed higher than that supported by the
modem, it will attempt to connect at its highest capability. Note that
this is the speed of modems across the telephone line, not the speed at
which the modem communicates with the attached DTE.
0 Attempt to connect at highest line speed that does not exceed
the speed of last AT command issued.
1 Attempt to connect at 75 bps
2 Attempt to connect at 110 bps
3 Attempt to connect at 300 bps
4 Reserved
5 Attempt to connect at 1200 bps
6 Attempt to connect at 2400 bps
7 Attempt to connect at 4800 bps
8 Attempt to connect at 7200 bps
9 Attempt to connect at 9600 bps
10 Attempt to connect at 12000 bps
11 Attempt to connect at 14400 bps
S38 Delay Before Forced Hang up
S38 specifies the delay between the modem's receipt of the command to
hang up (or on-to-off transition of DTR if the modem is configured to
follow the signal) and the disconnect operation. This register is useful
for error-control communications to ensure that data in the modem
buffers is sent before the connection is terminated. The factory setting
is 20 (seconds).
If this register is set between 0 and 254, the modem
will wait that number of seconds for the remote modem to acknowledge
receipt of all data in buffers before hanging up. If this timeout occurs
before all data can be sent, the NO CARRIER (3) result code will be sent
to indicate that data has been lost. If all data is transmitted prior to
the timeout, the response to the H0 command will be OK.
If S38 is set to 255, the modem does not timeout, and continues to
attempt to deliver data in buffers until the connection is lost, or the
data is delivered.
S46 Error-control Protocol Selection
S46 specifies the error-control method used for subsequent connections.
Because the factory setting will be a protocol for point-to-point
communications, other connections, such as the X.25 protocol must be
enabled by setting S46.
Feature negotiation enables two communicating modems to identify the
common protocols, and chooses one based on the user-configuration for
the communication session. For example, if an ULTRA product is
configured to use the X.25 protocol, but connects with a V-series
product without X.25 capability, an error-control protocol is
automatically selected because both modems support it. However, if a
ULTRA product with X.25 connects with another ULTRA product with
X.25, both can use X.25 protocol if configured to do so (S46=6).
When attempting a connection to a packet-switched network, automatic
feature negotiation is usually disabled because unless an X.25
connection can be made, further network connections cannot be made. To
disable automatic feature negotiation and make an X.25 connection or
hang up, set S46=134. The options for this register are described below:
0 Either LAPM or fallback to LAPB
1 LAPB only
2 LAPM or fallback to LAPB; use data compression*
3 LAPB with data compression*
6 X.25 or fallback to LAPB; use data compression*
134 X.25
136 LAPM only
138 LAPM with data compression*
* Note: The technique negotiated is determined by capabilities and
configuration of both modems. V.42bis is attempted first, then Hayes
Adaptive Data Compression. If neither method is supported by both
modems, or if either modem has compression disabled, no compression will
be used.
S48 Enabling/Disabling Feature Negotiation
S48 selects how feature negotiation is used when making connections with
the remote system. The negotiation process can be tailored to suit a
connection, or bypassed altogether. For example, when the capabilities
of the remote modem are known, negotiation is unnecessary. The factory
setting is 7, negotiation enabled. With feature negotiation disabled,
the modem assumes that the remote modem is configured the
same as itself, and proceeds to activate the error-control protocol
specified by the S46 (protocol options) setting. Use 128 when calling a
packet-switched network that does not support feature negotiation.
0 Negotiation disabled; presume the remote modem is configured for
and has the capabilities necessary for the connection selected
with S46.
3 Negotiation enabled, but originating modem remains silent during
detection phase. For connections with MNP modems; however, this
setting defeats the negotiation sequence with other V.42 modems.
7 Negotiation enabled.
128 Negotiation disabled; forces fallback options specified in S36
to be taken immediately.
S49 ASB buffer size lower limit
S49 sets the lower limit of the modem's buffer when communicating in
asynchronous mode with ASB. The range of this register is 1-249. The
factory setting is 8 bytes.
S50 ASB buffer size upper limit
S50 sets the upper limit of the modem's buffer when communicating in
asynchronous mode with ASB. The range of this register is 2-250 bytes.
The factory setting is 16 bytes.
S63 Private Circuit (Leased Line) Carrier Level Adjustment
S63 selects the carrier power level in dBm for leased line operation.
This register specifies a nominal carrier level value. The range for
this register is 0-15 (0 dBm to -15 dBm). The factory setting is 0. Note
that for those modems supporting leased line operation, carrier level
(if adjustable) may be set by other means. Please refer to the modem's
installation information for details.
S82 Break Signaling Technique
S82 selects a method of break signal handling for V.42 communications:
in sequence, expedited, and destructive. Break signals provide a way for
you to get the attention of the remote host. The break type used depends
on your application. The values for S82 are:
3 Expedited signaling regardless of its sequence in data sent and
received; data integrity maintained.
7 Destructive signaling regardless of its sequence in data sent and
received; data in process at time is destroyed.
128 In sequence signaling as data is sent and received; data
integrity maintained ahead of and after break.
AT commands:
The AT commands are poorly documented also, some being missing, some
incorrect. Some are even hidden.
SC1=000 - no idea what this does
===Note that the Linelink does not have register S95===
W - Negotiation Progress Message Selection
The W command works in conjunction with S95 (where supported) to
determine which result codes will be used to describe the type of
connection and protocol, etc., that resulted from handshaking and
The W command supports extended result codes in addition to
the CONNECT result code. When the modem is operated in error-control
mode (&Q5 is in effect), the W command and S95 together allow the user
to select these additional result codes:
Any result codes enabled by the W command and S95 will be generated in
the order indicated above. If AutoStream is not being used, no
AUTOSTREAM result code is returned. Result codes not enabled when the W
command option is in effect may be turned on by setting certain bits in
S95. The W command options below are available when S95 is configured
for any setting other than the factory-setting of 0.
W0 CONNECT result code reports DTE speed, and if S95=0, then disable
all extended result codes.
W1 CONNECT result code reports DTE speed, and if S95=0, then enable
the CARRIER and PROTOCOL extended result codes.
W2 CONNECT result code reports DCE speed, and if S95=0, then disable
all extended result codes.
Refer to the S95 bit map description in the next section. Note that
selecting W0 and setting S95=12 is the same as selecting W1; and that
selecting W0 and setting S95=1 is the same as selecting W2. S95 cannot
be configured to force W2 to report DTE speed in the CONNECT result
code; there is no setting of S95 that will force W1 not to produce the
CARRIER and PROTOCOL result codes. S95 extends the functionality of the
W command. The W command with S95=0 (factory setting) maintains
backwards compatibility with previous Hayes Products. However,
selecting W0 and setting S95 as required allows you to tailor result
code characteristics to your own requirements.
===Note that the Linklink modem does not have register S95===
X - Call Progress Options
The X command enables tone detection options used in the dialing
process. As these functions are enabled and disabled, the modem's result
code reporting is also affected. For this reason, this command is
frequently used to control the modem's range of responses; however, its
primary function is that of controlling the modem's call response
capabilities. Some call progress options are not available in certain
countries due to PTT regulations. Refer to the user documentation
supplied with your modem for applicable X commands and result codes.
Result code definitions are provided in the next section.
X0 Busy and dial tone detection are disabled. Only result codes 0-4
are enabled. Only the CONNECT result code is permitted, but with
no indication of the telephone line speed. This setting overrides
any other result code selections made with the W command and S95.
X1 Busy and dial tone detection are disabled. Result codes 0-5 are
enabled and line speed reporting with CONNECT XXXX messages. W
command options and S95 are enabled.
X2 Busy detection is disabled. Dial tone detection is enabled.
Result codes 0-6 are enabled and line speed reporting with
CONNECT XXXX messages. W command options and S95 are enabled.
X3 Busy detection is enabled. Dial tone detection is disabled.
Result codes 0-5 and 7 are enabled and line speed reporting
with CONNECT XXXX messages. W command options and S95 are
X4 Busy and dial tone detection are enabled. Result codes 0-7
are enabled and line speed reporting with CONNECT XXXX messages.
W command options and S95 enabled.
The @ and W dial modifier result codes are not affected by the X
command. The @ dial modifier enables result codes 8 (NO ANSWER) and 7
(BUSY) each time it occurs in the dial string. The W dial modifier
enables result codes 6 (NO DIALTONE) and 7 (BUSY) each time it occurs
in the dial string.
And here is a totally separate document about the Linelink S Registers,
from the manufacturer of the modem.
LineLink 144e S-Register Settings
The LineLink 144e modem (A Prometheus product) has an incomplete description
of the available modem commands. Specifically, the manual is missing the
options for S register settings. Included here is the complete list,
obtained directly from Prometheus.
- Here at Penn State, we are experiencing problems between the LineLink
and out Telebit T3000 modems. For reasons yet determined we cannot
establish LAPM and/or V.42bis connections, and the LineLink falls back
to MNP(1-4, 5). We do not want MNP to be used with the PPP dialup service
and users should enter the following command to ensure that MNP does
not get enabled:
We are currently looking into a solution so that users of the LineLink
will be able to participate in the benefits of LAPM/V.42bis connections
with the Telebit T3000's. This file will be updated when solutions are
- If you have questions... you can forward them to me at:
or you can contact a human at prometheus at the address:
I suggest you contact me first if the problem is PSU-Specific, since we
may already have a solution. Calling Prometheus tech support is currently
not an option because the number was incorrectly listed as Compaq's
help line and Prometheus is getting hammered with calls from Compaq users.
S Register Specifics
S0 Auto-answer
Range Default
0-255 rings 0 This register determines the
number to rings the modem will
count before automatically
answering a call. A value of 0 will
prevent the modem from
answering. Values from 1 thru
255 are the number of rings the
modem will count before
answering. The default value is 0.
S1 Count Incoming Rings
Range Default
0-255 rings 43 This register counts the number of
incoming rings. When the value in
this register equals the value in
Register S0, the modem answers.
This register resets approximately
8 seconds after the last ring.
S2 Escape Character
Range Default
0-127 ASCII 43 Register S2 sets the ASCII value of
the escape characters, used to
switch the modem from Data
Mode to Command Mode without
losing the connection to the
remote modem. Values greater
than 127 disable the escape
feature, preventing a return to the
Command Mode. If the modem
will be used to automatically
answer incoming calls, either
disable the escape characters of
set them to a value other than
that used by the originating
modem. To return to Command
Mode with the escape characters
disabled, the remote modem must
hang up or an ON-to-OFF
transition of the DTR interface
signal must occur with the &D1,
&D2, or &D3 command in effect.
S3 Carriage return character.
Range Default
0-127 ASCII 13 Register S3 sets the ASCII value of
the carriage return (end-of-line)
character. This is the character
used to end the command line
(and have the modem execute the
line) and also the character that
appears after the modem sends a
S4 Line feed character.
Range Default
0-127 ASCII 10 Register S4 sets the ASCII value of
the line feed character. The
modem sends the line feed
character after a carriage return
only when word responds are sent
(v1command in effect). If a line
feed characters is not
wanted,change the register value
to a null character ( the line feed
character cannot be totally
S5 Backspace character.
Range Default
0-32, 127 ASCII 8 Register S5 sets the ASCII value of
the backspace character. This
character is both the character
created by pressing the Backspace
key and the character echoed to
move the cursor to the left. To
change the register value, assign
an ASCII value between 0 and 32,
or greater than 127. Do not use
values between 33 and 126 since
they correspond to printable
ASCII characters.
S6 Wait for dial tone.
Range Default
2-255 seconds 2 When the modem executes a Dial
command line with the X0, X1, or
X3 response set in effect, Register
S6 tells the modem how long to
wait after going off hook before it
dials the first digit in the Dial
command line. This feature is
convenient when it takes linger
than two seconds to obtain a dial
tone. If the modem does not
detect a dial tone when the tome
in Register S6 elapses, you will
receive the NO DIALTONE (or 6)
S7 Wait time for carrier.
Range Default
1-60 seconds 40 Register S7 tells the modem how
many seconds to wait for a remote
modem's carrier signal before
hanging up. the register value can
be increased if the modem does
not detect a carrier within the
specified time. If the modem
detects a remote carrier signal
within the specified time, it sends
a CONNECT response and enters
Data Mode. If it does not detect a
remote carrier signal within the
specified time, it sends the NO
CARRIER (or 3) response, hangs up
and returns to the Command
S8 Pause time for comma.
Range Default
0-255 seconds 2 Register S8 tells the modem how
many seconds to pause for each
comma (,) it encounters in a Dial
command line. The comma is used
when dialing through a PBX or
other special telephone service to
wait for an outside telephone line.
An alternative to changing this
register value is to include more
than one comma in your command
S9 Carrier Detect response time.
Range Default
1-255 06 Register S9 tells the modem how
1/10 seconds long the remote modem's carrier
signal must be present so the
modem does not mistake the
signal for a busy signal, ring, or
voice. The factory setting requires
the modem to listen to the carrier
signal for at least 0.6
seconds before recognizing it.
Increasing the time in this register
reduces the chances that the
modem will mistake noise such as
a busy signal or voice for a carrier
signal. For example, entering a
value 15 means that the remote
modem's carrier signal must be
present for 1.5 seconds for the
modem to recognize it.
S10 Carrier loss time.
Range Default
1-255 14 Register S10 sets the time
1/10 seconds between the loss of a remote
modem's carrier signal and when
the modem disconnects. This
allows the remote modem's carrier
signal to momentarily disappear
from the telephone line without
the modem disconnecting. the
factory setting can be changed to a
higher value when a noisy
telephone line that might interfere
with the remote modem's carrier
signal. To have the modem ignore
the Data Carrier Detect status and
act as if the remote modem' s
carrier signal is always present,
set the value to 255. Assigning a
value smaller than the value in
Register S9 causes the modem to
disconnect when it detects a
momentary carrier less, because
Register S10 expires before the
carrier response time expires.
S-Register Description
S11 Range Default
50-255 ms 75 Register S11 controls the speed of
the Touch-Tone (DTMF) dialing.
Increasing the register value to
255 slows the dialing rate to 1.9
digits per second. Do not select a
value less than 50 milliseconds.
(Register S11 has no effect on
pulse dialing, which is fixed at 10
pulses per second.)
S12 Return to data mode timer.
Range Default
0-255 40 Register S12 controls the time
1/50 seconds delay before typing the escape
characters. Register S12 controls
the time before returning to data
mode after receiving escape
characters unless "AT" command
is received.
S14 Functions
Range Default
Bit Mapped 170 Register S14 is a bit-mapped
register and provides the
following functions (equivalent
commands are shown in
Bit 0&2 Bit0 Bit2 AT Command
0 0 Q0
0 1 Q1
1 0 Q2
Bit 1 Echo commands to DTE
0 Do not echo commands (E0)
1 Echo commands (E1)
Bit 3 Word or number responses
0 Send number responses (V0)
1 Send word responses (V1)
Bit 4
0 Accept commands
1 Ignore commands
Bit 5 Dialing method
0 Touch-Tone (T)
1 Pulse (P)
Bit 6 Reserved c
Bit 7 Answer/originate operation
0 Answer (A and R)
1 Originate (D)
S23 Test functions
Range Default
Bit Mapped 007 Register S23 is a bit-mapped
register and provides the
following test functions
(equivalent commands are shown
in parentheses):
Bit 0 Response to remote modem request for
Remote Digital Loopback Test
0 Ignore request (&T5)
1 Grant request (&T4)
Bits1, 2, 3 DTE speed
3 2 1
0 0 0
0 0 1 300 bit/s
0 1 0 1200 bit/s
0 1 1 2400 bit/s
1 0 0 4800 bit/s
1 0 1 9600 bit/s
1 1 0 19.200 bit/s
1 1 1 38,400 bit/s
Bits 4,5 Parity setting
5 4
0 0 Even parity
0 1 Space parity
1 0 Odd parity
1 1 mark parity
Bits 6,7 Guard tones
7 6
0 0 Guard tones disabled (&G0)
0 1 550 Hz guard tone (&G1)
1 0 1800 Hz guard tone(&G2)
1 1 Reserved
S25 DTR Delay.
Range Default
0-255 seconds 5 If the &M1 command is in effect,
Register S25 specifies the number
of seconds that the modem waits
after a connection has been made
before examining the DTR lead.
This delay allows a asynchronous
terminal to be detached from the
modem and a synchronous
terminal connection while
remaining in the Data Mode. After
this delay S25 reverts to
hundredths of seconds.
S26 RTS/CTS Delay
Range Default
0-255 hundreds 001 Sync Mode only. Register S2
of seconds specifies the time in hundreds
of second increments, of the
delay between RTS and the CTS
S27 Test Function
Bit mapped 49H Register S27 is a bit-mapped
register and provides the following test
functions (equivalent commands are
shown in parentheses):
Bit 0,1,3 Communication operation
3 1 0
0 0 0 <M>Asynchronous operation (&M0,&Q0)
0 0 1 Synchronous operation after dialing (&M1, &Q1)
0 1 0 Synchronous terminal support (&M2, &Q2)
0 1 1 Manually originate synchronous call (&M3, &Q3)
1 0 0 Not valid
1 0 1 Asynchronous error control (&Q5)
1 1 0 Aysnchronous buffered mode (&Q6)
1 1 1 not valid
Bit 2 0 Dial up line (&L0)
1 Leased line (&L1)
Bit 3 Reserved
Bit 4,5 Synchronous timing selection
5 4
0 0 Modem provides synchronous transmit clock on EIA pin
15 (&X0)
0 1 Modem accepts external synchronous clock (&X1)
1 0 receive clock (slave timing) (&X2)
Bit 6 & 7 Bit 6 Bit7 AT Command
0 0 B0
1 0 B1
0 1 B2
1 1 B3
S30 Automatic Timeout.
Range Default Register S30 specifies the number
0-255 0 of seconds the modem waits
without activity, before
disconnecting. Timing is in 10
second increments.
S36 Negotiation Faltback
Range Default
0-7 7 When the initial attempt to
connect in error-control mode
fails, S36 specifies what should
occur next.
0 Hang up
1 Attempt a direct
asynchronous connection
3 Attempt an asynchronous
connection using automatic
speed buffering (&q6).
4 Attempt a CCITT V.42
Alternative POrotocol
connection (MNP 2-4); if
negotiation fails, hang up.
5 Attempt a CCITT V.42
Alternative Protocol
connection (MNP ); if
negotiation fails, attempt a
direct asynchronous
7 Attempt a CCITT V.42
Alternative Protocol
connection (MNP
compatible); if negotiation
fails, attempt an
asynchronous connection
using automatic speed
Note: The selected fallback option can be initiated immediately with
S48. For example, a connection attempt using the MNP can be forced
by setting S48=128 and S36=5 or 7.
S37 Maximum DCE Line Speed
S37 selects the speed (for all
modes except CCITT V.24bis) at
which the modem attempts to
connect with a remote modem; the
speed selected will be the highest
DCE speed supported by both
modems (see S93 for CCITT
V.25bis modes).
0 Speed of last AT command
1 75 bps
2 110 bps
3 300 bps
5 1200 bps
6 2400 bps
7 4800 bps
8 7200 bps
9 9600 bps
10 12000 bps
11 14400 bps
S38 Delay Before Forced Hangup
Range Default
0-255 20 S38 specifies the number of
seconds the modem waits when in
error-control mode (&Q5) before
disconnecting after receiving the
command to hang up or an on-to-
off transition of DTR. The range
for this register is 0-255 seconds;
the default to 20 seconds. If the
register is set to 0, the modem
does not wait for data in the
buffers to clear (gives NO CARRIER
response). If the register is set to
a value between 0 and 254, the
modem will wait the number of
seconds, or until all data has been
transferred, before hanging up.
(If data clears gives of response, if
not gives NO CARRIER response).
If the register is set to 255, the
modem will not hang up until all
data is transferred.
S39 ATN Command Bit Map
Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 AT Command
0 0 0 N0
0 0 1 N1
0 1 0 N2
0 1 1 N3
1 0 0 N4
1 0 1 N5
S46 Compression Error Control protocol Selection
Range Default
136,138 138 Register S46 enables d
13 No compression
138 Compression
48 Feature Negotiation Action
Range Default
0, 7, 128 7 Register S48 defines whether
feature negotiation is to be
performed by the modem. The
feature negotiation process allows
the modem at ascertain the
remote system's capabilities. If
these capabilities are already
known and negotiation is not
necessary, this feature can be
0 Negotiation disabled.
Modem assumes the remote
modem is configured
properly to make a
connection, bypasses the
detection and negotiation
phases, and proceeds with
the protocol selected by
Register S46.
3 Reserved
7 Negotiation enabled.
128 Negotiation disabled. Forces
immediate fallback as
specified in Register S36.
Can be used to force the
V.42 alternative protocol
(compatible with MNP),
bypassing the detection and
negotiation phases.
S49 Buffer Lower Limit
Range Default
0-255 10 S49 specifies the minimum size of
the buffer used in error-control or
automatic speed buffering mode.
The range is 1-255 bytes; the
default setting is 10.
S50 Buffer Upper Limit
Range Default
0-255 200 S50 specifies the maximum size of
the buffer used in error-control of
automatic speed buffering mode.
The range is 2-255 bytes; the
default setting is 200.
S63 Private Circuit Carrier Level
Range Default
0-15 0 S63 specifies the carrier power
level in dBm for leased line
operation. This register specifies a
carrier level value that is not to be
exceeded. The range of this
register is 0-15 (0 to - 15 dBm).
The default setting is 0.
S82 Beak Signaling Technique
Range Default
3, 7, 128 128 S82 selects a method of break
signal handling for CCITT V.42
communications: in sequence,
expedited, and destructive. Break
signals provide a way to get the
attention of the remote host. The
break type used depends on the
3 Expedited signaling used
regardless of sequence in
transmitted and received
data; data integrity
7 Destructive signaling used
regardless of sequence of
transmitted and received
data; data in process at time
is destroyed.
128 In sequence signaling used
as data is transmitted and
received; data integrity
maintained ahead of and
after break.
S86 Connection Failure Cause Code
Range Default
0, 4-15 None S86 helps determine the cause of
a connection failure. When the
modem issues a NO CARRIER
result code, a value is written to
this S-register. To read this
register following the connection
failure, issue ATS86? <CR>. The
modem will report one of the
values below.
0 Normal hang up; no error
4 Physical carrier loss.
5 Feature negotiation failed to
detect presence of another
error-control modem at the
other end.
6 Other error-control modem
did not respond to feature
negotiation message sent by
this modem.
7 Other modem is sychronous-
only; this modem is
8 Modems could not find a
common framing technique.
9 Modems could not find a
protocol in common.
10 Incorrect feature negotiation
message sent by other
11 Synchronous information
(data of flags) not received
from other modem. Modem
waited 30 seconds before
hanging up.
12 Normal disconnect initiated
by other modem.
13 Other modem did not
respond after many
transmissions of the same
message. modem made 10
attempts then hung up.
14 Protocol violation occurred.
15 Compression failure.
Note: Multiple occurences may contribute to a NO CARRIER message;
S86 records the first event that occurred.